Hi all ! I'm here to show you different ways to wear batik scarf. I'm sure you all have at least one scarf in your closet. If you don't, you can always grab your momma's silk scarf. Just like necklace, Scarf can be a statement to you outfit. Wear a simple basic top and layer it with your colorful scarf, or in this case, Batik scarf and you're good to go. It's gonna be fast and easy, As easy as 1 2 3 4. if i can do it, then I'm sure you all can do it too.
So, Let's get started!
First scarf, Drape the scarf around your neck. cross it over and bring the backward. then make a knot at the back. Fix the front and you're good to go.
Second scarf, Grab you're scarf and fold it into half like so. Drape it on your neck. Then grab the end and put it through the hole.
The third one is following the previous instruction. but this one, you have to bring it close to your neck.
Then the fourth scarf is just like the second scarf. And then make another loop and grab the other end. Bring it through the hole. Loosen up the knot and voila! you can bring the knot up or down depending on you and what you're wearing.
The fifth way is triple loop. Fold the scarf into two. twist it a few times and drape it to your neck. You make a loop like so. bring over through the hole. make second loop on the other side, bring it over again. Lastly, make another loop and bring it over to the other side.
The sixth scarf is the easiest. Drape the scarf around your neck and make a big knot at the end until it forms a bundle.You may also pull the scarf all the way out.
The seventh scarf is from the previous one. All you have to do is to bring the big knot to the side.
The eight scarf, make a knot on your scarf. Put the scarf around your neck, circle it once around your neck. So you will have two loops like so. Then bring the one over to the middle.
Scarf is also best for head band. Again, fold it into two and put under your hair. put the end through the hole and separate the ends to the left and right. And then tie it at the back. Then you have your headband scarf.
These are different ways to make head band out of your scarf. The first picture, as you can see, you just have to put it around your head and make a knot on the side. the second picture, you tie your hair as well with the scarf. The third picture on the left, all you have to do is to braid the scarf with your hair. Last, to make this kind of head band, you have to fold the scarf into two. then twist it many times, the bring the other end to the loop and put it in your head.
A few tips on wearing scarf. you have to know the length of your neck. It's not necessarily how long in inches or cm. But some people have short neck, long neck, wide neck and thin neck. Pick the style of scarf that compliments your neck. if you have long neck, you can wear number three or four scarf above. I personally have short neck and if i wear it too much covering my neck, it would seem like i have no neck at all and it's not good. i would wear something like number six and seven above.
So, again, experiment with your scarf. Don't be afraid to try and ask opinion from people (you trust).
i hope you give a try. No matter if you live in a tropical country like me, desert or snowy mountain, scarf is one of the best fashion accessories.
Awww.. that's awesome^^